Saturday, February 27, 2010

RFID Reader (Interfacing with FTDI cable)

As promised in the previous post is the funda on interfacing the RFID Reader ID-20 to an FTDI cable

Where to buy: Sparkfun
Price : 35 USD
Stated Red range : 20 cm
Misc: The pin spacing and layout is awkward, you need to get the breakout board from sparkfun if it is going to be breadboard friendly( or you could always make one), the pinout of the more popular ID 12 is exactly the same as the ID 20, the ID 20 has a bit longer range.It also has an inbuilt antenna just like the ID 12.

You can find the datasheet here

The Id-20, as you can see it is pretty big,this is because it has the antenna inside


This is how all the connections go, I wired it up for ASCII mode , there are several other modes which can be tried out, check the datasheet for them.

After all the wiring is done , just plug in the FTDI cable , select the right com port , set the baud rate to 9600, and voila you are reading RFID tags,just remember if you bring more than 2 tags into the read range there will not be any output , this is because both of them will be interfering with each other.

One more thing is that it will read a card only once so you need to take it away and then bring it close for it to read the card again and there is a minimum delay before it reads the same card again, though if it is a different card it is read almost instantaneously.

The protoboard made to house the ID 20 you can see the LED and the Beeper

The RFID Cards

The results on the Arduino serial terminal

Final Thoughts:

The range is around 13cm which is a bit less than the 16+ cm mentioned in the datasheet, but it may be different for different kinds of tags such as the button tags , glass capsules etc.

Also the read range varies with the orientation of the card , the best read range being for the face of the card parallel to the face of the IC (pretty obvious since the coil pattern on the card receives maximum flux when perpendicular to the field emitted by the IC)

That's it for now....I will post as soon as we get this working with an iPod Touch. i will also post an arduino shield for this IC

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