Sunday, February 21, 2010

LoRA-Location based Reminding Aid

Location based reminding aid.............


This is our project for the HCI course in to the course homepage

The challenge was to make a reminding aid to help people manage their lives better after some brainstorming we cam to the conclusion that reminders should also be location based as they are time based(read alarms).

This is the gist of our implementation...more to come as we proceed

  • The quick and dirty prototype we are making uses an RFID reader attached to a mobile device(read ipod touch)
  • They identify the different areas at home (such as workspace,kitchen,closet etc)
  • Then there is the to-do/organizer list the software then pulls up the relevant information from this list(extending this to integrate online services,outlook,goggle calendar,voice notes etc.)
  • Example say you have a to do not saying that you need to buy more groceries so whenever you enter the kitchen or leave the house ...the device will show you that note....its simple.
  • Few issues are there, like(it may be irritating to have a constant barrage of reminders etc )....we are working on sorting it out.
So that's all for now,ill post updates as soon as i finish making the hardware .

Parts used
  • RFID reader-ID-20, bought it from Sparkfun
  • RFID cards
  • iPod Touch

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